Simulink Design Optimization: Faster parameter estimation and response optimization with Simulink Fast Restart.Simscape: Two-Phase Fluid block library and simulation speed improvements for switched-linear systems.Stateflow: Messages - new objects that carry data and that can be queued.Multilingual block names, signal names, and MATLAB Function comments for use across Simulink, Stateflow and Simulink Coder.

Always-on tuning of block parameters and workspace variables during simulation.Referenced projects for creating reusable components and simplifying large modeling projects.New UI in scopes for viewing and debugging signals with cursors and measurements.Robust Control Toolbox: Robust tuning with systune and the Control System Tuner app for automatically tuning robust controllers for plants with uncertain parameters.Control System Toolbox: 2-DOF PID controller tuning.Database Toolbox: Faster database read and write. Computer Vision System Toolbox: 3-D point cloud processing, including geometric shape fitting, normal vector estimation and visualization.
Matlab r2015a vs r2015b code#

In addition to new features in MATLAB and Simulink, R2015b includes updates and bug fixes to 83 other products. MathWorks today introduced Release 2015b (R2015b) with a range of new capabilities in MATLAB and Simulink.